MEFANET Central Gate
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (0)
Anatomy (1541)
Biology (3)
Biophysics (1514)
Cardiology, Angiology (868)
Dentistry (588)
Dermatology (7)
Diabetology, Dietetics (1406)
Emergency Medicine (2052)
Endocrinology, Metabolism (27)
Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, Hygiene (1)
Gastroenterology and Hepatology (13)
General Practice Medicine (0)
Genetics (33)
Geriatrics (10)
Haematology (5)
Health Care Sciences (477)
Histology, Embryology (1269)
Immunology, Allergology (888)
Infectology (37)
Internal Medicine (0)
Laboratory Diagnostics (0)
Medical Ethics and Law (0)
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry (130)
Medical Informatics and Information Science (0)
Microbiology (0)
Nephrology (0)
Neurology (854)
Neurosurgery (0)
Nuclear Medicine (0)
Obstetrics, Gynaecology (977)
Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (0)
Oncology, Radiation Therapy (0)
Ophthalmology and Optometry (23)
Other (0)
Otorhinolaryngology (812)
Paediatrics, Neonatology (785)
Pathology and Forensic Medicine (20)
Pharmacology (1051)
Physiology and Pathophysiology (11)
Psychiatry, Psychology, Sexology (713)
Public Health Care, Social Medicine (0)
Radiology and Imaging (119)
Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Ergotherapy (26)
Respiratory Medicine (0)
Rheumatology (634)
Sports Medicine (0)
Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopaedics (1510)
Urology (29)
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